NSC Pop-Up Swap Meet

NSC Pop-Up Swap Meet, 8:30 am Saturday, Nov. 2nd

NSC 2024 Fall Meeting

The North Shore Cyclists Fall Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 24th, at the Gould Barn in Topsfield. Pizza will be served at 6:15 pm and the meeting will start at 6:45 pm. 

See the agenda highlights on the Fall meeting page. 

Club Picnic

North Shore Cyclists will be offering, to members, a club picnic after the Sunday ride.  Please click on Club Picnic for more information and to register for this event.

Bike Workshop: Maintaining Your Drivetrain (CANCELED)

Due to rain on July 13, this clinic has been canceled due to weather. 

For members only, the NSC is hosting a second hands-on bike workshop this season to be presented by Guenther Anger of Abby Velo Mobile Bike Services. Limited to 25 participants, the workshop will focus on reviewing parts of the bike's drivetrain and maintaining and replacing some of its key parts. See the full workshop description for more information about the workshop's content, including location and time. 

Tony Salerno's Not On The Fourth of July Picnic

Tony Salerno will host his annual picnic on June 30 after the Ride to the Sea.  Please see the details and register for the picnic.

Burke Vermont Gravel Weekend

Burke Vermont Gravel Weekend

Club Picnic

For members only, NSC is hosting a picnic after the Sunday ride.  Click on Club Picnic above for more details.  Please log in to register. 

On Ride Repairs Workshop

For members only, the NSC is hosting a hands-on bike workshop presented by Guenther Anger of Abby Velo Mobile Bike Services.  Limited to 25 participants, the workshop will focus on repairs typically required during a ride. See the full workshop description for more information about the workshop's content, including location and time. 

Ride Leader Training

For all current ride leaders as well as NSC members interested in becoming a ride leader. Join us beforehand for light fare and beverages from 6:15-6:45 p.m.

NSC 2024 Spring Meeting

The North Shore Cyclists Spring Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 28, at the Gould Barn in Topsfield. Pizza is servered at 6:15 and the program will begin at 6:50

Please join other NSC members and the Board to kick off the 2024 riding season.

See the agenda on the Spring meeting page.

NSC 2023 Annual Meeting

The North Shore Cyclists Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday October 26 at 6:30 at the Gould Barn in Topsfield.

Please join other NSC members and the Board at this important meeting.

The Board member nomination process is underway.  Please contact the Nominations Committee with any comments or questions at Nominations@NSCYC.org

NH Northern Rail Trail-Cancelled due to Rain

Please register for a classic rail trail ride thru NH scenery.  The route starts in Boscawen, NH, at the Jamie Welch Park on Depot Rd and goes to Danbury at Rt. 4. 

CANCELED-September 24 picnic at American Legion Park, Georgetown

The September 24 picnic will be held at American Legion Park in Georgetown. 

Our picnic menu will be a delicious Middle Eastern selection. It will also include hot dogs, Hamburg’s, fruit salad, drinks, dessert etc. we look forward to seeing you there after the rides. 

Our picnics are successful, fun and becoming more so.  This success utilized most of the 2023 picnic budget so, for this final picnic of the year, you will note there is a $10 fee. 

Refunds will be issued in the event the picnic is canceled for inclement weather.

Registration, required for this picnic, will close on September 21.  

There is no need to register if you are only riding.   

Blazing Saddles Century 2022

Blazing Saddles Century registration is open!

See the t-shirt design and sizing chart (shirts run large). T-shirt only orders for volunteers and non-riders closed on August 1.


Blazing Saddles Century 2023

Burke Vermont Gravel Weekend

Burke Vermont Gravel Weekend

Join other gravel riders for a weekend in Vermont 

See the details here.

August 6 picnic at Pines Recreation Area

The August 6 picnic will be held at Pines Recreation Area. 

We are planning on reprising the Vietnamese victuals served at a picnic last year, which was a big hit. We’ve ordered shrimp, chicken and tofu spring rolls; then eggplant, chicken and pork Banh Mi, and beef skewers. We’ll also serve some Hamburg’s, hotdogs, chips etc. Salad, fruit and desserts

Bike Maintenance Program

Vineyard Hill Reservation - Greenbelt (Google map)

NSC brings you a members only hands-on bike maintenance program by Guenther Anger of Abbey Velo Mobile Bike Services limited to 25 participants.

Our idea is to make the program hands-on (bring your own bike), especially to practice a pre-ride checkover routine, rear wheel removal, and how to fix a flat. We plan to cover issues that commonly occur on a ride (flats, dropped chain, stuck shifting, loose parts, etc.) as well as basic maintenance to do at home. 

NH Northern Rail Trail

A classic rail trail ride thru NH scenery on Saturday June 17

NSC Spring Picnic

The NSC Spring 2022 Picnic will be held Sunday May 28 at Clarke Park, 61 Burroughs Rd, North Reading.

We are requesting everyone who intends to participate to register so the food purchasers have an idea of the number of mouths to feed. This is an NSC event for members, no fee is charged.

See the ride page for route information.

Ride Leader Training

Spring Swap Meet and Rides

Gravel Social

2023 Spring Meeting

Gould Barn

A New Ride Season is upon us!!!


And it's time for the 2023 NSC Spring Meeting which will be held LIVE at the Gould Barn on Friday March 31, 2023 - pizza at 6:30 and program at 7 pm.

September 25 picnic at Pines Recreation Area