Jump in on NSC's classic Thursday Wakefield Ride at the classic Thursday Wakefield Fast Pace.  Beginning at the head of Lake Quannapowitt, we roll up through Lynnfield Center, past Pillings Pond.  Then down Lowell/Chestnut St, into North Reading Center, and loop around back to Lynnfield for a terminal velocity descent.  Finally a zippy chase around Quannapowitt for a glorious finish and the weekend can begin. 

There will be two groups starting out:  This fast pace group and an intermediate pace group.  

Ride leader: Scott Wagneer (Fast group)


Road ride
Weekly Thursday until Fri, Sep 29 2023
6:00 PM April 20 to August 24
5:30 PM August 31 to September 7
5:00 PM September 8 to September 28
Converse Parking Lot
200 Quannapowitt Pkwy
Wakefield MA 01880

Exit 40 on Rte 95 (N or S bound) towards Wakefield to the south side of 95 on Lowell Street then an immediate right on Quannapowitt Parkway to the Comverse parking lot.

Please download this latest version of the routes before each ride.
Route Miles Elev.* Print Files
Thur Nite-17 17 373 Cue sheet Send to device
Thur Nite-21 21 527 Cue sheet Send to device
* Elev. is the elevation gain in feet.
Route maps
17 miles
21 miles
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