The North Shore Cyclists Board of Directors includes five officers whose duties are described below. (Official description of duties can be found on the By Laws page.)

  1. President presides at all meetings of the members and all Board meetings, and coordinates the activities of the board. The president has signature authority for contracts and bank accounts and is responsible for assuring the timely completion of tax and insurance filings by other Board members.
  2. Vice President assists the President and other Officers in their duties and contributes to the operation of the Club. 
  3. Treasurer maintains itemized accounting (in QuickBooks); deposits membership dues, century registrations, and clothing income; pays the annual insurance and century insurance; writes checks to reimburse ride leaders for expenses; coordinates payment of century expenses and banquet expenses with persons overseeing those events; and delivers an accounting report at meetings, as required.
  4. Secretary takes minutes at Board meetings and meetings of the members, and distributes notes to Board members.
  5. Clerk files the annual report with the Commonwealth and the Federal Tax for Non Profit (Form 990) with the IRS. The clerk also maintains official NSC documents on the website. 

Elections for the  directors and officers are held at the Fall meeting in late October. The Board shall establish nomination procedures each year no later than September 1st. The process is as follows:

  • Nominations are open until closed during the Fall meeting.
  • Nominations are made simply by announcing your candidacy for an office on the NSC email list.
  • Anyone can nominate another person, or can nominate themselves. Any nomination must indicate the office they wish to hold.
  • Anytime after a person is nominated, and up until the annual meeting, the candidates can use the email list to discuss what they want to do in that office.
  • Votes will be taken at the Fall meeting. New officers assume office on January 1.

    Please contact the Nominations Committee with any comments or questions at