The ride leader is responsible for managing all aspects of the ride. You’ll work with an NSC Ride Coordinator to select a date and share the RWGPS routes via our web site. See Submitting the Ride Information to the Rides Coordinator. If you’re new to leading or haven’t had the NSC ride leader training, you may choose to mentor with an existing leader first.

Leading begins with organizing – see Planning a Ride. This entails route selection, starting location, testing the RWGPS routes cues, and reviewing the web site ride description. If you choose an existing club route, you’ll be checking what’s been done in the past and letting the Ride Coordinator know of any changes or improvements. 

Next see Prep Before the Ride Day for how to publicize the ride and communicate any changes through the NSC listserv (, how to answer pre-ride questions, and a list of what you should bring to the ride . 

Leader responsibilities include: 

  • Serve as the face of NSC by actively engaging riders
  • Organize the ride start and end, answer participant questions, make all riders feel welcome
  • Check the route for changes or road repairs and update riders accordingly. 
  • Check the cues in the route file to make sure cues are accurate and no superfluous cues are included
  • Ensure sure the ride is conducted in a safe and responsible manner
  • Follow-up post-ride with the Ride Coordinator and Membership Coordinator as needed